Krebs Ranch Survey

Krebs Ranch Survey

Tell us about your current operation and cow herd.

Do you use only Angus bulls?
How do you handle replacements in your operation?
Do you use Artificial Insemination (AI) in your operation?
How do you sell your calves? (check all that apply)
Which best describes your cowherd currently? (Check all that apply.)

In this section, select the statement that best describes your thoughts on bull selection in each category.

How do EPD's impact your bull selection?
How does eye appeal and quality impact your bull selection?
How does carcass information impact your bull selection?
How does birth weight impact your bull selection?
How do pedigrees/bloodlines Impact your bull selection?
How does semen testing impact your bull selection?
What age of bull would you rather buy?
How does reputation impact your bull selection?


The Krebs Ranch Bull Sale catalog gives you 19 separate pieces of information on each bull. Please score each piece of information according to its importance when selecting bulls for your operation… using the scale of 1 to 3 listed below.

  • 1 - Not important at all. I do not use this information to select bulls.
  • 2 – Somewhat important. I like seeing this information, but may not use it to select bulls.
  • 3- Very important. I 100% need this information when selecting bulls for my operation.

Performance & Growth Information

Carcass Ultrasound Information

Scrotal and Pelvic Information

EPD Information

Social Media – Check the Social media platorms you use for information.


Would you like to provide your name? (Name is required to be entered to win prize so that we may contact you.)